peace by Jesus Christ
(he is Lord of all)..."
Acts 10:36 |
Location: Bethany Gospel Chapel 242 Clark Street Worcester, MA 01606
(508) 853-6300Church Meetings: Lords day... The Lord's Supper - 9:30AM Family Bible Hour - 11AM Tuesdays... Prayer & Bible study - 6:45PM |
we Are...
OUR CHAPEL is the meeting place of an assembly of Christians meeting in the Lord’s name alone. This assembly is not affiliated with any denomination.
THE REASON for this undenominational stand is a sincere desire to preach and practice all that God has revealed in His Word for His people during this present church age. There is no desire to separate from other true believers, but to those things which are contrary to the will and Word of God. Thus a clean scriptural fellowship is provided, where all true Christians may enjoy their spiritual privileges and assume their responsibilities.
A HEARTY WELCOME is constantly extended to all true born again believers to meet and fellowship with us in the things of the Lord. We recognize but one body and one membership, that of the body of Christ, the true Church. The unsaved are not only invited but urged to attend the services because they will hear only the true Word of God and the soul-saving gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord.
We believe that the substitution of any other human name for that of the Lord Jesus Christ is derogatory to His name which has been given the highest place in glory (Phil 2:9-11). Therefore we bear only His name, and own only such names as are given to believers in the New Testament, as;brethren, believers, saints, Christians, etc. , any of which scripturally describes and belongs to all true believers in Christ.
stand for, and proclaim constantly the old fashion soul-saving gospel
of our Lord Jesus Christ absolutely untainted by any modernistic
sophistries and errors. The gospel we believe to be alone “the power of
God unto salvation to every one the believeth” (Romans 1:16); and is
defined in 1Corinithans 15:1-4.
The true heart reception of this message of salvation, and through it of Christ as Savior and Lord, will alone deliver from sin and hell, and bring the believing sinner into possession of eternal life, the forgiveness of sins and peace with God (Romans 10:9; John 3:16; Acts 13:38, 39).
We believe Christ the head of the Church, left two ordinances for His people during this age. These are to be faithfully practiced during His absence: BAPTISM by immersion for true believers upon their confession of faith in Him (Matt. 28:19; Acts 8:36-39, 18:8; Romans 6:1-5); THE BREAKING OF BREAD each first day of the week in remembrance of the Lord (Matt. 26:26-28; Acts 2:42, 20:7; 1 Cor. 11:17-34). To the Lord’s Supper we welcome all who are truly born again, clean in life and sound in doctrine. An invitation is extended to any others who wish to observe how this meeting is conducted.
We believe that Christ as risen head of the Church gives through the Spirit the gifts for the ministry of His Word and the preaching of the gospel. While we do not believe in a humanly-ordained, salaried minister, we do respect, pray for and support those whom God has called to devote their full time to His work. These servants of Christ are called, equipped, ordained, controlled and supported by Him (Acts 13: 1-4; I Cor. 12; Eph. 4:7-16; 2 John 7). The title of reverend we believe belongs alone to God (Psalm 111:9). The spiritual care and over-all activities of The assembly are shepherded by elders whom God has raised up among us and we have recognized (Heb. 13:17; I Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; I Peter 5:1-4). Thus, every meeting of the Christians is conducted decently and in order (I Cor. 14:40). We believe in the priesthood of all believers whereby all are free, as lead by the sprit to engage in worship to the Father and Son (1Peter 2:5; Heb. 10:19-22). We believe that Christian women should not exercise authority or leadership in the local church, in administration, preaching, praying, or teaching in a mixed audience. However, we fully believe that qualified Christian women have a wonderful sphere of usefulness among their own gender and with children. (1Cor. 14:34-35; 1Tim. 2:11-12). We believe it to be scriptural for Christian women to appear in a church gathering with a head covering. We believe that collecting funds from a company composed of saved and unsaved, or the raising of funds for the Lords work through sales or socials is unscriptural (Prov. 21:27; 1 Sam. 15:22; Titus 3:5). The only financial pressure that should be upon Christians is the love of Christ and the exercise of the Holy Spirit (1Cor. 16:2; 2Cor. 5:14, 9:6-7). We believe in the regular, systematic setting aside of the Lords portion, and the liberal supporting of the Lords servants and service through the free-will offerings of Gods people, both collectively and individually (1Cor. 9:14; 2Cor 9).
We seek to carry on a well-balanced program of activities under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. There are services of special appeal and interest to children, young people and adults. The weekly remembrance of the Lord in the breaking of bread is a precious season of worship for the Lords people, dear to the heart of all who have enjoyed it. The Sunday school hour is one of the very happiest of the week for us all. Almost weekly new scholars are added, and often it is found that the hearty happy “Chorus Singing” which features the opening exercises attracted these new friends when they visited us. There are classes for all ages and a nursery for the babies. The preaching service is held in the auditorium. This type of program enables the entire family to attend at the same time. A hearty gospel service is conducted every Sunday at which the soul-saving message of the cross is proclaimed.
The study of the Word of God finds a definite place, not only in the bible class but also in the week-night service, and in special bible classes during the year. Prayer is realized as the necessary ingredient of every meeting; special time being set apart for it.
Then you need food and fellowship. If you are seeking these you will find them here where all true believers are welcome as brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of social or sectarian distinctions.
It is a wonder that any remain unsaved when God has shown so clearly and fully, in His word, how salvation is to be obtained. Instead of being guided by what God’s Word says many people go by what Mr. so-and-so thinks; thus they are ignorant of the gospel of God’s matchless grace. If you wish to be saved, hear what God says to you in the following scriptures: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). “All that believe are justified from all things” (Acts 13:39). “He that believeth in Him is not condemned” (John 3:18). Salvation can only be had by placing your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross to save you from the penalty, power and presence of your sins. Salvation without money Salvation without price Salvation without labor Believing doth suffice; Salvation not this moment, then why, oh, why delay? You may not see tomorrow! Now is salvation’s day. |